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2011 Archives

December 30, 2011
Replanting Kenya

December 23, 2011
Under the Mango Trees / Day of the Dead / Legend of the Poinsettia / Cuban Celebrations

December 16, 2011
After the Durban Climate Conference / Adapting to our Warming Planet / 2011 at the EPA / Evangelicals, Catholics Back Mercury Limits / Remote West Bank Villages Get Power / LOE Update / Adroitly Adrift / BirdNote® Why Birds’ Feet Don’t Freeze / Endangered Reindeer / Earth Ear

December 9, 2011
Durban Climate Conference / Young Activist Speaks Out in Durban / Urban Farming in Africa / Oregon’s First Marine Reserve / Snow Geese – Up and Away / Coal Byproduct, Hazardous Waste? / The Next Industrial Revolution / Selling Asian Carp / Earth Ear

December 2, 2011
Climate Talks Begin in South Africa / Remembering Dr. Paul Epstein / Mozambique Coal Rush / Oil Spill off Brazil's Coast / Living on Earth Updates / What's Missing from Commercial Honey / Pizza Crusts and Hot Dogs as Fish Food / BirdNote® – Birds of Paradise

November 25, 2011
Durban Climate Talks / The New Seven Wonders of the World / Rebranding the Asian Carp as Dinner / Discovering new causes of Parkinson’s / The Garden of Eva / Caravan of Hope

November 18, 2011
U.S. Law Restricting Trade in Rare Species Under Fire / Social Sciences Necessary to Spur Environmental Action / Fishy Labels For Seafood / Protecting Pacific Salmon / Green Magician / Befriending An Octopus

November 11, 2011
Huge Increase In Global CO2 Emissions / Keystone Pipeline Decision Delayed / Catch The Rain / Back to the Future with Electric Cars / BirdNote® Aplomado Falcon – Species Recovery in the Works / Antibiotics, Livestock, and the Rise of Superbugs / Exploding Plants / EarthEar

November 4, 2011
Mining Jobs or Salmon in Alaska? / Freezing the Arsenic in Giant Mine / Bolivian President Caught in the Middle / A Tree Falls in the Forest / Europe’s Stupidest Robots / Cool Fix for a Hot Planet / Building Music / Gathering of the Great Egrets / Great Egret Confrontation

October 28, 2011
No Environmental Laws Near The Border / Deadly Bat Disease Identified / Unusual Tribal Alliance Saves Forest and Tradition / The Hermit Crab Housing Crisis / BirdNote® Gull Identification / A Leafy Green Sea Slug / Science Note - Cats Illuminate HIV Research / Three Strange Tales Of Lake Preservation / Earth Ear

October 21, 2011
Feeding a Growing Population / Remembering a Native American Activist / Occupy the Pasture / Science Note: Healing Vocal Cords / The Sinking Nation of Kiribati / Performing to Save Island Nations / iCub Humanoid Robot Just Like a Baby / Genius of Place / Earth Ear: Red Squirrel

October 14, 2011
Australia to Join Carbon Market / EPA Under Fire / Environmental Protests Yield Results / Shark Tourism / BirdNote ® – Clark’s Nutcracker - Nature’s Arborist / A Gravel Danger / Science Note/Fat Mice Get Thin / Have Kitchen Scraps Will Travel / Earth Ear

October 7, 2011
Keystone Pipeline Oil for Export / Rooftop Solar Installation Booming / Supreme Court Environment Docket / Eager Beavers Engineer Ecosystems / Leave It to Beaver / Cool Fix: Recycling the Ocean's Plastic / Christo: Over the River

September 30, 2011
President's Science Advisor Discusses Energy R&D / The Most Sustainable Street in LA / Remembering Wangari Maathai / Chemicals in Dry Cleaned Clothes / BirdNote ® – Snail Kite – Bird of the Everglades / The Tangled Web of Montana Spiders / Science Note: Supermolecular Suitcases / Truck Driver Adds Two Wheels / Earth Ear/Windchimes in the Rain

September 23, 2011
The Carbon War Room / Air Pollution in the Gas Fields / People Sickened Getting Rid of Bed Bugs / Heinz Awards Celebrate “Environmental Champions” / Science Note: Recycler Robot / Removing Dams in Maine / Listener Letters / A Seed Company With Deep Roots / Up North In Search of the Polar Bear

September 16, 2011
Cloudy Days for American Solar / Solar Boost for Greece / Earth, Wind and Fire in Central Texas / Undamming the Elwha / Science Note/Bat Aerodynamics / NASA’s Plan for a Mega Rocket / Man in a Box / Jersey Shore Birds / Earth Ear - Listen to the Nebraska Conehead.

September 9, 2011
9/11: Together We Feel / Obama's Second Chance On Air Toxics Rule / Gulf Restoration Bill – A No Brainer for Congress? / Un-Damming the Elwha / Bill McKibben on Protesting Pipeline Expansion / A Crude Line in the Land of the Spirit Bear / Birdnote ®/Migration – Long, Short and In-Between / Redefining Environmentalism / Earth Ear

September 2, 2011
Amazon Forest as a Source of Carbon Dioxide / Lost Frogs Update / Kalimantan / Building Up: Vertical Farms / Birding by Ear / Earth Ear

August 26, 2011
Forecasting Hurricanes / The Big Uneasy / Human Waste in the Wild / New Moguls of Clean Energy / Low Salt Water with Low Energy Technology / Creating a Thatched Roof / Trumpeting New Orleans' Rebirth

August 19, 2011
The Future of Biofuels and the Weather / Huge Methane Emissions from Fresh Water / Carrotmobs and the Power of Buycotts / Menagerie on Ice / Trash to Treasure / The Noisy Ocean and its Consequences / The Wave / Earth Ear

August 12, 2011
Improved Fuel Efficiency for Trucks / Toxic Tide - Discovering the Health Effects of the Deepwater Disaster, Part 2 / Mixing Oil and Water / Science Note/Saved By a Whisker / SNAP to the Farmers’ Market / Snow in Summer / On the Grid? Or Off the Grid?

August 5, 2011
Pesticides' Influence on IQ / Out of (a noble) Gas / Toxic Tide: Discovering the Health Effects of the Deepwater Disaster / Smart Meter, Big Brother / BirdNote® /Hummingbirds See Red / The Legacy

July 29, 2011
Obama Administration Divided Over Cancer Alley Case / Atomic Sunflowers / Pressure Builds on Pipeline Decision / Science Note: Cow Manure and Methane / Fair Trade Phones / Sun Oven / Cape Wind Spin / Fog Garden / BirdNote®/ White-throated Swifts

July 22, 2011
Death of Carbon Capture? / Lawmakers Want to Take Away Federal Water Standards- / The Tropic of Chaos / Drought Tolerant Rice / BirdNote®/Common Murres’ Swimming Migration / Agony and Ivory / Trees - Is Bigger Better? / Earthear

July 15, 2011
Nuclear Power Safety Assessment Raises Concerns / Conservation Funding on Chopping Block / Lighting Efficiency / Can the Bluefin Bounce Back? / Few “Like” Environmental News / More Roads, More Traffic / Evolution in Action

July 8, 2011
EPA’s Good Neighbor Rule has wide Health Benefits / Environmental Triggers for Autism / California State Parks Face Closure Despite Innovation / Science Note/ Between Ocean and Sky / War's Toll on Afghanistan's Environment / ID That Tree / High Tide for Tidal Power?

July 1, 2011
Fight Over Vehicle Efficiency Revs Up / EU Carbon Market Slumps / Zero Waste Green Grocer / Science Note: Super Sturdy Steel / Closing State Parks / The Nature and Art of Fireworks / Listener Letters Dirt Winner / Protecting a Florida Treasure / Central Park's Trees

June 24, 2011
Chemicals’ Role in Breast Development / Ocean Extinction Trend / Obama Taps Strategic Petroleum Reserve / Fracking Makes Earthquakes? / Natural Gas and Greenhouse Gasses / Many Dishwashers Harbor Dangerous Fungus / BirdNote® Cowbirds and Yellow Warblers / Dispatches from America’s Endangered Species Act / Can the Moose of Summer Take the Heat?

June 17, 2011
The Fire and Climate Change Feedback Loop / FDA slaps new regulations on sunscreen / Cool Fix for a Hot Planet / Earth Enters Period of Turbulent Solar Weather / Predicting the End of the World / Author Looks to Thoreau for Balance / The Life and Legacy of a Creative Scientist

June 10, 2011
U.N.Climate Talks Underway in Bonn, Germany / Rights of Sinking Nations / Who’s Running Down RGGI? / Pros and Cons of Canada-US Oil Pipeline / Choosing to Save Chamois / Buckminster Fuller Challenge Finalist / BirdNote® - Choosing Where to Nest / Eating Dirt

June 3, 2011
Germany Says No to Nuclear Power / Will Jerry Brown Shift California Cap and Trade? / Environmental Activists Murdered in the Amazon / Wet Fields Prevent Corn Planting / Charting the Health of Coral in the Persian Gulf / “Aerotropolis: The Way We’ll Live Next” / Living, Breathing Earth

May 27, 2011
Black Lung is Back / The Best and the Worst U.S. Cities for Pedestrians / Coal Could Fuel Oil Alternative / Project Mohole Pioneers Deep Sea Drilling / Garden Girl in the City / Raising Kids in a Toxic World / Loon Crosses the Lake

May 20, 2011
Remaking the Mississippi--Engineering Marvel or Monster? / EPA Stalls on Cleaning Up Industrial Air Pollution / Science Note/ Candles / The Republican Climate Conundrum / A Teenager Sues Uncle Sam over Climate Inaction / Blessing of the Bicycles / Lion Meat, Anyone? / BirdNote® - How Birds Produce Sound / Earthear

May 13, 2011
Flammable Gas In Drinking Water From Hydraulic Fracking / Cut the Deficit By Cutting Oil Subsidies, Senate Democrats Say / Coal in the Classroom / Japan Says No More Nukes / Plugging Kids Into the Great Outdoors / Cool Fix / Air Batteries / Belly Button Biomes / Climate Change and Chasing Chile Peppers / **NEW**Coal in The Classroom Story Triggers Response

May 6, 2011
Arctic Melting Speeds Up Rising Sea Levels / Floods, Tornadoes and Climate Change / Tornado Recovery As a Pathway to Sustainability / Re-engineering the Mississippi River to Reduce Floods and Bring Back Big Fish / GMO Hay Threatens Organic Dairy Farmers? / BirdNote®: Frank Bellrose and the Wood Ducks / Science Note: Fighting Fires With Electricity / Collecting Seeds From Historical Trees / Computer Game based on Climate Models

April 29, 2011
China Adopts Cap-and-Trade to Curb Emissions / LOE Lookback - It’s All Happening at the Zoo / Science Note: Early Birds / Sustainable City Gardening / The Indonesia Mega Rice Disaster / Earth Ear: Maple Sugaring / **New** Big Floods, Big Explosion Along Mississippi River

April 22, 2011
Pesticides Influence on IQ / Climate Goes to Court / Remembering Chernobyl / Solar Street Lamps could be a Cool Fix for a Hot Planet / Coal and Oil Shape Cultural Stereotypes / BirdNote® / **Web Extra" TVA's Landmark Decision

April 15, 2011
Feds Cut Cash for Environmental Protection / Warnings About a New Nuclear Reactor / Breast Cancer & Pesticides in 1991 / The 2011 Goldman Environmental Prize / The Human Costs of Coal and Oil / Tracking the World's Most Notorious Butterfly Smuggler

April 8, 2011
EPA in Congressional Crosshairs / Deficit Woes Trim Support for Ethanol / LOE Retrospective/ Cancer Alley / Cockroach, Robot, Astronaut / Operation Ice Bridge / BirdNote® How Brown Pelicans Dive / Los Angeles Suburbs Try Neighborhood Electric Cars / Turning Waste to Fertilizer -- Humanure

April 1, 2011
Fukushima Disaster Makes Japan's Coastal Waters Radioactive / President Calls For more US Oil & Gas Drilling / Should we Recycle Spent Nuclear Fuel? / A Deadly Spill For Cetaceans? / Breakthrough Discovery For Cystic Fibrosis Treatment / The Drive to Improve Mass Transit / Living on Earth Marks 20 Years On the Air

March 25, 2011
Dueling Senate Bills to Block EPA CO2 Regs / True Cost Accounting for Nuclear Power / An End to Nuclear Power in Vermont? / Experts Warned of Reactor Flaws Decades Ago / Rare Penguins Endangered By Oil Spill On Remote Island / Adventures Above the Arctic Circle / Monsters, Manipulation, and the Message from Nuclear Films

March 18, 2011
Fighting Further Meltdowns / Dangers From Depleted Atomic Fuel / Japans Nuclear Regulatory Failures / Pro Nuke or No Nuke? Washington Reacts / Which Way Will Duke Energy Go? / Carbon Nation: The Movie / Understanding the Sounds of Ecosystems

March 11, 2011
Rethinking the "Debate" Over Climate Science / China's Five Year Plan / Chemical Review / Lost Frogs Update / We Like Lichen / May Be Alien Bacteria / Can a Hollywood Producer inspire Americans on Climate?

March 4, 2011
Can REDD Work for the Amazon? / Curing Mosquitoes of Malaria / The Future of Biofuels and the Weather / Science Note/Sting to the Heart / The Rx for Healthy Kids / Sea Otters at Bay / The Language of Landscape / Generation Hot / Botanical Books

February 25, 2011
The Sometimes Frost / Lessons from surging oil prices / Sustainable Science at EPA / Smart Meter, Big Brother / How Green are E-Books? / Where the Antelope Played / Science Note/Crustaceans in the Reef / The Fearsome Nematodes of the Dry Valley

February 18, 2011
The Budget / White House Wants to Cut Energy Help for Poor / Toxic Tide - Discovering the Health Effects of the Deepwater Disaster, Part 2 / Costs of Coal / BirdNote ® Sooty Shearwater Migration / How Close are we to the Edge / Black History Month and Environmental Justice

February 11, 2011
House Republicans Fight EPA over Greenhouse Gases / Amazon Forest as a Source of Carbon Dioxide / Toxic Tide: Discovering the Health Effects of the Deepwater Disaster / Homeground: The Language of Landscape / Mixing Oil and Water / Trash to Treasure / Science Note / The Poetry of the Ocean

February 4, 2011
UN Stresses Need for Revolutionary Climate Action / Diluting Dispersant / Biomass, Climate Friend or Foe? / The Man Working on a Clean Energy Plan / Science Note - Sharks and Smell / Poo-Gloos / BirdNote® Recording Sounds with Gerrit Vyn / New Moguls of Clean Energy / The Noisy Ocean and its Conseqences

January 28, 2011
State of the Union and Clean Energy / Energy & Climate Czar Leaves White House / Science Note/Salt-Sized Batteries / The Search for Neutrinos in the Antarctic / Environmental Groups vs. EPA / Listener Letters / Huge Methane Emissions from Fresh Water / Forest Films / Elephant Seals in Combat

January 21, 2011
Mountaintop Removal Mine Denied / Regulations Under Review / Food Price Spikes / State Carbon Markets / Daisy Recovery / Menagerie on Ice / Science Note: Recycling Manure / Rewilding the World

January 14, 2011
Mixed Reactions to Oil Spill Commission Report / Native Alaskans & Offshore Drilling / Re-Thinking Fluoride / Low Salt Water with Low Energy Technology / The View from Lazy Point

January 7, 2011
The U.S. Government Starts Regulating Global Warming Gases / Deepwater Horizon Investigation / Environmental WikiLeaks / Some States Get Going For High Speed Rail / Prince Charles's Harmony / Judy Bonds Remembered / Hormone Disruptors Linked To Genital Changes and Sexual Preference / BirdNote® - New Year Dawns


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